Reverend Gary Ruzicka, after serving in the Diocese of Cheyenne since 1976, retired from active ministry in June 2022 and was most recently the pastor of St. Patrick Catholic Church, Casper. He has held numerous positions, including associate pastor at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Cheyenne, and associate pastor at Our Lady of Sorrows, Rock Springs.
His appointments as pastor includes St. Paul, Pine Bluffs; St. Paul’s Newman Center, Laramie, the Cathedral of St. Mary, Cheyenne; and St. Patrick, Casper. Father Gary has served in numerous leadership roles, including the Presbyteral Council, College of Consultors, Diocesan Building Commission, Diocesan Finance Council, Diocesan Board of Directors, and leadership of St. Anthony’s Tri-Parish School, Casper, and St. Mary’s School, Cheyenne.
Father Gary currently serves on the Board of Directors for the St. Joseph's Society.